5 Pitfalls Of DIY Divorce


DIY divorce might sound like it will be easier on your budget, and perhaps easier in general. But is this really true? Before you decide on self-representation, check out common pitfalls that can make the total cost (and total frustration) of a DIY divorce quickly add up. Read more

6 Ways To Get More Holiday Parenting Time With Your Kids

If you are divorced or separated and your scheduled parenting plan says your children will be spending the holidays with your former spouse, you may be wondering if there’s any possible way to still see your kids on the holiday. The answer for most co-parents is: yes! Here are six practical tips to help you negotiate contact time with your children during Christmas or Hanukkah, and other days during this special time of year.   Read more

Divorce Dilemma: My Spouse Is Hiding Income

hidden sources of incomeIf your spouse does not provide full income disclosure during your divorce, it can set you up to receive an unfair settlement, including lowered amounts of alimony and child support. Are you suspicious that your spouse is withholding critical financial information? Here are some tips for making sure your divorce settlement adds up. Read more

Custody Battles: How Bad Could It Get?

legal help for child abuse

Every child custody battle is rough, but when the entire marriage has been rife with conflict, the parties are in for a particularly bumpy ride. What does a “worst  case scenario” custody fight look like? Read on for warring spouses Jake and Abby’s story… Read more

What Is Parental Alienation?

parental alienationParental Alienation happens when one parent brainwashes a child into believing the other parent is “bad” or dangerous, so that the child rejects that parent. The alienation can occur almost overnight and most often occurs in high-conflict divorces. Here is how to recognize and understand if signs of parental alienation may be present in your relationship. Read more

Divorcing A Narcissist: Tips, Tools, And What To Expect

divorcing a narcissistDivorcing a narcissist is far more challenging than divorcing a “regular person.” Are you locked in a battle with a combative ex? Here are some important tips and tools you can use to keep conflict in your divorce to a minimum.   Read more

When Divorced Parents Disagree About Their Child’s Medical Care

medical care decisions child

When divorced parents with joint legal custody disagree on decisions made in their child’s medical care, who gets the final say? A new case in Ocean County ended with a court order to exercise “parens patriae jurisdiction.” Find out what this means – and learn which parent was finally able to make a decision over whether their son should have surgery…

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Divorced Parents: Are You Required To Pay Your Child’s Grad School Tuition?

do divorced parents need to pay grad school tuition? There has been a lot of buzz about the changes to the child support statute in New Jersey set to take effect in February of 2017. Under the new legislation, there should be no financial support required by a non-custodial parent after a child turns 23 years old. Will there be exceptions to this rule when it comes to parental contributions to graduate school tuition? According to a recent child support ruling in Ocean County, the answer may be yes. Read more

Reconciliation: 5 Tips For Saving Your Marriage

Reconciliation TipsDivorce irrevocably changes the course of your life and your children’s. If you are at all ambivalent about ending your marriage, now is the time to make a concerted effort to see if it’s worth saving. Use these 5 tips to help you and your spouse reconcile your differences and stay (happily) together… Read more

Cyber Monday PSA: Protect Yourself From Cyber Spying

is your abusive spouse cyber spying on you?Are you trapped in an abusive relationship? If your spouse is monitoring your movements or spying on you  in an attempt to control you, be aware that he or she may have taken steps to monitor your online activity. With the arrival of today’s Cyber Monday, there’s no better time to learn steps you can take to stay safe and prevent cyber spying or cyber stalking from happening to you: Read more