My Ex is Lying to Get Child Custody!

defending against false child custody accusationsHow far would you go to make sure you get child custody? Some parents make the very dangerous decision to lie or exaggerate as a way to paint the other parent as “unfit” and enhance their own standing in the eyes of the judge…with a greater custody share as the hoped for result. Is your ex lying and making false accusations against you? Here’s how to protect yourself. Read more

When Does Child Support End in New Jersey?

new child support lawPaying child support for your older teen or college-age child, and wonder when your obligation will end? Find out what New Jersey’s new child support age cutoff law, taking effect in February 2017, could mean for you. Read more

What is Paternity and How Does It Affect My Rights in New Jersey?

paternity and fathers rightsHave questions about paternity? Here’s what you need to know about establishing fatherhood in New Jersey, and the legal rights and responsibilities that come with paternity.

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Going Above the Guidelines: Child Support For Your Special Kid

child supportWe all think our children are special, extraordinary and talented. But, what if you are raising the next Michael Jordan? What happens when your child has an exceptional gift for music? Or for art? Without question, your child’s amazing talent comes with expenses in the form of lessons, practice, travel and supplies. Who is responsible for paying these costs? And, are they covered by New Jersey’s Child Support Guidelines? Read more

8 Savvy Ways To Prepare For Divorce

preparing for divorceIf you are thinking about divorce, be aware that you need to gather a lot of information before you file. Although it may feel sneaky to do some reconnaissance work without your spouse knowing, or before you announce your intentions, it is imperative that you have a plan in place before taking the life-altering step of ending your marriage. Thinking about filing? Here are 8 savvy ways you can start preparing now… Read more

Spousal Spying—Are You at Risk?

spousal spyingIt is hard for most of us to remember a time without smartphones, email, GPS, and even drones, and virtual reality. High tech definitely seems here to stay. But, there is a dark side to all this technology, particularly in relationships that involve domestic abuse or domestic violence. Abusers can now, more easily than ever, spy on their spouses or significant others, using current technology found in computers, cellphones, hidden web cams and surveillance cameras, and GPS devices. Are you at risk for being spied on by on your spouse — and what can you do to keep yourself safe? Read more

401k and Divorce: Splitting Retirement Assets With Your Spouse

401K-divorceNew Jersey is an equitable distribution state, meaning that during divorce, marital assets and debts are divided between spouses fairly, but not necessarily equally. To carry out equitable distribution, the courts evaluate all types of assets differently and look at factors such as each spouse’s contribution to the marital asset. Retirement accounts, such as 401k accounts, however, are a special animal and are subject to particular rules when divided as marital property in a divorce proceeding. What can you expect when dividing this account in your divorce? Read more

Stepchild Adoption in New Jersey

stepparent and stepchildMarriage in New Jersey does not always mean that you are gaining just a spouse — you could be gaining your spouse’s kids as well! For many reasons, your stepchild or stepchildren’s other biological parent may not be a part of their lives, and as a result, you have, for all intents and purposes, stepped into the shoes of being their full-blown parent, sharing all the responsibilities with your spouse. As time goes on, you may think about formally adopting your step-kids. How can you make this happen? Read more

Top Tips for Overcoming Parental Alienation

recognizing parental alienationThankfully more and more courts here in New Jersey are recognizing and addressing cases of parental alienation when they come before the family judges. If you believe that your child has been subjected to parental alienation tactics what can you do? Here are some tips to overcome this situation: Read more

Parallel Parenting: When Co-Parenting Doesn’t Work

parallel parentingSome people will never be able to co-parent effectively. No amount of mediation, therapy, or positive thinking will get them there. Sound familiar? If you are stuck in a high conflict divorce, or if the conflict continues although your divorce was finalized long ago…it may be time to learn about parallel parenting, a form of parenting that can ease the tension when parents don’t get along.

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