5 Things I Would Tell My Former Self About Co-Parenting


You and you ex are in constant turmoil over the kids as you adjust to life as co-parents. Is it always going to be this tense? The good news: probably not. Divorce takes time to heal from, for you and your kids, but chances are, it will get better. Need proof? Here’s a sample letter that you might be able to write to yourself in a few years explaining how you, your ex, and your kids re-established balance and harmony in your lives… Read more

Are Couples Still Consciously Uncoupling?

conscious uncoupling

Image copyright maxics, Depositphoto.com

It was a few years ago that the majority of us first heard the term “conscious uncoupling” in relation to the separation and eventual divorce of Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin. They had vowed to utilize this method to end their relationship and move forward, in a more peaceful and healthy manner. Are people still utilizing this method today? Has it proven successful? And for the yet uninitiated, what exactly is conscious uncoupling? Read more

When is the Best Time to File For Divorce?

best time to file for divorceWhen you have tried to make the marriage work but you have, sadly, decided to go your separate ways, you need to focus on the future. A question we are asked a lot is when is the best time to file for divorce? After the holidays? Before the end of the tax year? Are there reasons for waiting and filing strategically? The simple answer is, yes. Here are key factors to consider as you determine what’s best for your unique situation. Read more

Divorce Horror Story: Bickering Parents & Halloween Trick-or-Treating

halloween divorce horror storySusan and Anthony’s disagreement over how their daughter would spend Halloween amped up their already fright-filled high conflict divorce, and ruined what should have been an evening of fun for their eight-year-old. Are you and your ex haunted by the holidays and where and how your child should spend them? Read our Halloween co-parenting horror story, then get tips for how to make October 31 a treat and not a trick for your co-parented kids. Read more

Lesbian Couples and DV: Special Concerns & Solutions

same-sex domestic violenceAccording to the National Violence Against Women survey, domestic violence affects 1 in 3 lesbian relationships. And tragically, many victims remain silent. If we, as a society, have learned anything during October’s Domestic Violence Awareness Month, it is that domestic violence does not discriminate. It knows no race, color, socioeconomic status — or sexual orientation. So how can we help women trapped in these relationships reach out and get the help they need, and that is there for them? Read more

Emergency Child Custody Orders: How to Keep Your Kids Safe in New Jersey

emergency child custodyAre you in an urgent situation with your kids and need an emergency child custody order? In certain circumstances, including situations in which domestic violence and abuse are present in the family, the courts in New Jersey will agree to hear you on an emergency basis. Read more

TRO To FRO: Making A Temporary Restraining Order Final

Temporary Restraining OrderIf you have found yourself in an abusive relationship and you are ready to obtain a restraining order against your abuser, you have made a smart and brave decision. The New Jersey court system stands ready to assist people in domestic violence situations when they are ready to move forward and obtain protections for themselves and their families. What does this process entail? And how do you go from a temporary restraining order to a final one? Read more

NFL: Disgusting. #WomenMatterNotBalls

domestic violence in the NFL #womenmatternotballs
If you’ve tuned into any NFL game in the past few weeks, you know that teams have been given a pink makeover in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month. From pink mouthguards and pink ribbons on helmets to pink pompoms waved by the crowds, the message being sent to viewers and fans is that the National Football League is an organization that cares about the well-being of women.

But does it really? Given Wednesday’s disturbing revelations about New York Giants’ kicker Josh Brown’s history of domestic violence against his former wife, and the light one-game suspension the NFL deemed appropriate to hand down after Brown’s 2015 arrest for domestic violence, this is a fair question to ask of the NFL. And we want answers… Read more

Another NFL Season-Another NFL Player Tied To Domestic Violence

domestic violence
Earlier this year, NFL fans were shocked to learn that New York Giants kicker, Josh Brown not only was arrested for domestic violence in May 2015, but was given a mere 1-game suspension this season, following an NFL investigation into the matter. Brown was upset by the suspension, stating that he did not agree with it, but that he would accept it. He also had the support of his boss, New York Giant’s owner John Mara, who defended his kicker in August of this year “as a man, a father, and a player,” and said the team was comfortable re-signing him during the offseason to a two-year, $4 million deal. Read more

Father’s Rights: Which Custody Arrangement Should I Request?

father's rightsNew Jersey laws with respect to custody and parenting time are gender neutral, meaning that the courts cannot base decisions regarding custody of or parenting time with your children based upon gender. Long ago, many states subscribed to the now defunct “tender years” doctrine where courts would give custody of very young children to mothers, believing that this was necessary to ensure the emotional well-being and positive psychological development of the child. Today, courts, experts and lawmakers know that a child thrives best with the participation of both parents to the greatest degree possible. And, with more and more same-sex couples rearing children, any gender argument is moot.

What does this mean for you, as a dad? Here are some do’s and don’ts as you pursue custody and parenting time with your kids: Read more