Life After Divorce: Don’t Get Lonely, Get Out There!

your happy post-divorce lifeAfter divorce, living your life happily is truly the ultimate goal now and in the future. But how do you get there? And how can avoid your new status as “single” from turning into the feeling of “being alone” and lonely? Here are the tips you need to start building a life you love! Read more

Parenting Time After Addiction Recovery

addiction recoveryWithout question, addiction is devastating, not only on the person suffering with the addiction, but also their friends and family. And, it cannot be argued that those hurt most profoundly are the children of the addicted. Read more

Reconciling Your Marriage After Sex Addiction

Is your spouse a sex addict?Is there life — and marriage — after one partner recovers from sex addiction? While the healing process may understandably difficult for couples seeking to put their marriage back together, one legal option — a reconciliation agreement — may give you both the security you need to start moving forward. Read more

Investigating Parent Addiction In Child Custody Disputes

legal help for child abuse
In New Jersey, issues of custody and parenting time are evaluated by the courts looking at what is in the best interests of the child. If a parent brings an allegation of drug addiction to the court, this allegation is taken very seriously and the court will inquire as to the truth of the statement. To do this, judges can order certain evaluations, such as custody and parenting time evaluations or a risk assessment. Read more

3 Steps To Stepparent Custody

co-parenting after divorce

In child custody disputes, the courts will always put the best interests of children first in awarding parenting time and legal/physical custody. This usually means dividing a child’s time between their biological or adopted parents. But not always. What can happen when it’s a stepparent who is pursuing custody? Here is the story of one stepfather who gained custody of his stepdaughter and the steps he took to get it. Read more

Will You Make Any of These Mistakes in Your Divorce?

divorce mistakes

With so much at stake in divorce, tensions can ride high and errors can be easy to make. Are you about to make a misstep? Here are our top 5 divorce mistakes to avoid: Read more

My Spouse Won’t Agree To A Divorce! Can I still Get One?


You may be done with your marriage, and you may have decided that your next logical step is moving on, finding peace and filing for divorce. But, what happens when your spouse disagrees with your plans? In New Jersey, can you still obtain a divorce even when your spouse clearly communicates that he or she does not want one? Read more

Sexting: Is It Cheating Or Not?


Everyone remembers that famous saying about not being able to define pornography, but knowing it when you see it. The moral of that saying is that pornography, like cheating can be wholly subjective. And when it comes to “sexting,” what one spouse believes to be nothing more flirtatious texting with a coworker or friend, the other spouse may view as full-blown cheating, even if physical intimacy was never involved. For an example of the moral murkiness sexting presents, all we need to do is look at the latest scandal involving a certain former NYC mayoral candidate and his front page-worthy texting scandal that has resulted in the demise of his marriage.

If sexting as cheating is subjective in everyday life, what about sexting in the legal sense: Is sexting considered adultery, which is a ground for divorce? Read more

Why Don’t Lawyers Represent Themselves in Their Divorces?

hiring an attorneyIf you were to ask a random attorney if they would consider representing themselves in their own divorce, you would probably be met with a shudder. Contrary to popular belief, most attorneys are not only unwilling to represent themselves, also known as “pro se,” but they also balk at the mere thought of doing so. What’s the problem? Read more