Why Don’t Lawyers Represent Themselves in Their Divorces?

hiring an attorneyIf you were to ask a random attorney if they would consider representing themselves in their own divorce, you would probably be met with a shudder. Contrary to popular belief, most attorneys are not only unwilling to represent themselves, also known as “pro se,” but they also balk at the mere thought of doing so. What’s the problem? Read more

My Child Graduated College: Can I Stop Child Support?

teen child support

It’s the first September in a long time that your child is not going back to school. Now that he or she is graduated from college, does this mean that you can stop paying child support? Read more

Grandparents Caring For Grandchildren: Kinship Legal Guardianship In New Jersey

kinship legal guardianshipIn 2002, New Jersey began the Kinship Legal Guardianship (KLG) program for children and caregivers who were involved with the Division of Child Protection and Permanency (DCPP), formally known as DYFS. There became a common trend where children who were removed from their biological parents by DCPP were being cared for by grandparents and other relatives, rather than strangers. Because of this common occurrence, the practice of Kinship Legal Guardianship was introduced as a better and more workable alternative to permanent adoption or long-term foster care.

Are you a grandparent considering becoming a kinship legal guardian to your grandchild? Here’s what you need to know. Read more

Grandparent Rights: Can You Get Visitation With Your Grandchildren?

grandparent rightsGrandparents in New Jersey have limited rights when it comes to spending time with their grandchildren. The New Jersey courts and New Jersey law are strongly behind parents when it comes to questions regarding visitation and the roles that grandparents may play in the lives of the grandkids. Trying to spend more time with your grandchildren? Here are some avenues that grandparents can take when asking the court for visitation time with their grandchildren. Read more

Is Your Cheating Spouse A Sex Addict?

Is your spouse a sex addict? When you saw a sexy text message pop up on your husband’s phone, you confronted him. He admitted to having an affair not just with his co-worker, but also with two other women during your 10-year-marriage. He seems genuinely remorseful, has sworn it will never happen again, and has agreed to go to couples therapy. Your friends insist you should divorce him because he’s a sex addict.

But is his behavior a sign of actual addiction? Or was it “just” a case of serial infidelity? What’s the difference? Read more

Back to School Expenses and Child Support

child supportIt is that time of year again, when parents are preparing their kids for the inevitable return to school in September and the inevitable costs that arise during this time of year. New school clothes, perhaps? Necessary school supplies? And, once the kids are back in class, there will be school dances, school pictures and fundraisers. If you are a parent of child and paying child support, what is your child support intended to cover with regard to back-to-school costs? Read more

Can Co-Parenting After Divorce Really Work?

co-parenting after divorce

Last week, Big Bang actress Mayim Bialik released a YouTube video simply titled “Divorce.” In the video, the mother of two young boys “addresses what life is really like in a post-divorce world,” and how she manages co-parenting with her ex-husband Michael Stone.

So, what does Bialik, who is also a neuroscientist, recommend for successful co-parenting after divorce? She lays her plan out in three steps: Read more

Supporting Your Transgendered Child: What Happens When Divorced Parents Disagree?

transgender children

Parents play a very important role in a gender-expansive and transgendered child’s life. As research shows, supportive parenting can significantly affect the transgendered child’s ability to have a positive outlook on their lives, their mental health and their self-esteem. On the other hand, research also shows that unsupportive parenting is correlated to gender-expansive and transgendered youth being more depressed and suicidal. As child psychologists who specialize in gender issues agree, the most crucial thing parents can do is allow children to be exactly who they are.

But what happens if you are a separated or divorced parent and your ex disagrees with you regarding how to parent, guide and support your transgendered child? Read more

Chris Rock Divorce: Psychological Parent Theory in New Jersey

Chris Rock

Image copyright Arp, Depositphoto.com

Does Chris Rock owe child support for a child from South Africa he and his now ex-wife welcomed into their family while they were married, but never adopted? Read more