Amber Heard & Johnny Depp Domestic Violence Fallout: Do Police In NJ Have Obligation to Arrest?

Johnny Depp and Amber Heard Domestic Violence

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News has been breaking this week about Johnny Depp and his estranged wife Amber Heard, and the alleged incident of domestic violence that Amber reports happened on the night of May 21, 2016 at the couple’s Los Angeles home. What really happened between Johnny and Amber that night we may never know for sure. What we do know, however, is that the Los Angeles Police Department was called to the couple’s house at least once that evening.

What transpired when cops arrived on the scene? Read more

4 Steps To Take When Divorce Negotiations Are Stalled

stalled divorce negotiationsMany more people today are wisely attempting to negotiate their family law issues rather than engage in expensive and costly litigation. Couples are assisted in this approach by trained family law mediators and collaborative divorce professionals who guide the parties and make recommendations to both to help facilitate settlement. Other couples attempt to negotiate with their exes without assistance, which can prove to be much more difficult and time consuming. Either way you approach negotiations, what can you do if you are finding that the negotiations are not working? Read more

Lessons Learned From The Johnny Depp And Amber Heard Divorce

Johnny Depp & Amber Heard Divorce

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Making headlines this week has been the celebrity divorce of Amber Heard and Johnny Depp. Heard filed for divorce from Depp last Monday, citing irreconcilable differences and seeking temporary spousal support, which she was denied. On Friday, the divorce took an explosive turn when it emerged that Heard had been granted a temporary restraining order against Depp. In court papers, she claimed Depp had been violent towards her on several occasions during their 15-month marriage, including an incident the weekend before she filed for divorce in which Depp allegedly struck her in the face with a cell phone. Charges in the matter have not been filed. Read more

Parenting Time Vs. Visitation: What’s The Difference?

Questions about parenting time?Parents who are separating are often faced with the difficulty of working out custody and determining how, going forward, the children will spend time with each parent now that they are living apart from one another. It is always the goal to work with your ex-partner to determine what plans work best not only for you and your ex, but more importantly, for your children. Children thrive by being with both parents as much as possible, and this makes coming up with workable solutions in everyone’s best interests. Read more

Tips for Relocating With Your Children Out of State

relocating with your children out of stateYou have gotten that dream job and you are all set to accept the offer. But, there is one issue. The job is located in Florida and you live, with your children, in New Jersey. What is the best way to approach relocating with your children out of state? Here are several tips to help you navigate moving out of state with minor children: Read more

Negotiating Your Marital Settlement Agreement

Negotiating Your Marital Settlement AgreementMany people have terrible visions in their minds when thinking about divorce. They expect to face a scary judge and a stressful trial. The truth is that, in New Jersey, the vast majority of divorce cases settle and they settle long before a trial begins. In fact, the courts in New Jersey greatly favor people who are divorcing to settle their own issues and work together to come up with an agreement that both husband and wife can live with not only at the time the agreement is signed, but also into the future. Remember, any marital settlement agreement will follow these ex-spouses around for a long time, especially if terms of the agreement discuss children.

So, how do you successfully negotiate a martial settlement agreement? Here are a few tips to help get you to a place where you are ultimately at peace with your marital settlement agreement: Read more

Divorced Parents: 3 Tips For Navigating College Costs

divorced parents and college tuitionIt is that time of year, again. High school seniors are making final decisions, touring campuses and selecting, once and for all, where they will attend college in the fall. If you and your child’s other parent were married and are still together, this can be a joyous time for all involved. However, if you and your ex are no longer in a relationship, this can quickly become a challenging and frustrating time. What is your obligation for payment of tuition for the next four years? What is your say in these decisions? Read more

How To Get A Divorce Like Gwyneth: 3 Top Tips For Conscious Uncoupling

Conscious Uncoupling: Divorce Like Gwyneth Paltrow

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When Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin ended their ten-year marriage in March 2014, they announced their intention to protect their children by having a “conscious uncoupling.” Millions scratched their heads at this lofty moniker: what was “Conscious Uncoupling?” Some sort of artisanal divorce, if there could be such a thing?  Or was it something new altogether? As it turns out, Gwyneth borrowed this phrase from therapist Katherine Woodward Thomas, whose book Conscious Uncoupling: 5 Steps To Living Happily Even After provides a blueprint on how to take a more mindful approach to divorce. Read more

#MaybeHeDoesntHitYou Brings Emotional Abuse Awareness to Social Media

Get help for domestic violence and intimate partner violence

In this digital age, stands are taken, victories are won (and lost) and causes are put in the spotlight through social networking vehicles such as Twitter and Facebook. On Monday, Twitter users began using the hashtag #MaybeHeDoesntHitYou to show that abusive relationships aren’t limited to physically violent ones. Domestic violence can come in many forms, including mental or emotional abuse. Read more

Want to Stop Paying Alimony Because Your Ex is Living with Someone? You Better Have Proof

Depositphotos_87970508_originalWhen does dating rise to the level of the legal ground for terminating or suspending alimony known as “cohabitation“? And what kind of evidence can prove that a spouse has entered into this deeper kind of relationship? A new court case takes a look. Read more