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Don't go into your divorce or family law matter defenseless
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“Handbag Divorce”: Divvying Up Pricey Personal Items In Divorce
Do you or your spouse have a taste for expensive designer handbags? Have either of you purchased a pair of designer shoes or haut couture designer clothing for yourselves or for each other? If you are getting a divorce, you need to know that these types of high end personal belongings may be key marital assets to be divided in your settlement. Read more
Getting A Divorce? 5 Steps To Take Control
Is Your Spouse Using Digital NFTs To Hide Assets In Your Divorce?
This is the second in a blog series on sneaky new ways duplicitous spouses are attempting to hide marital assets in divorce. The first blog in the series can be found here: Top Signs Your Spouse Is Hiding Bitcoin Assets In Your Divorce.
Getting divorced and suspect that your spouse is being less than truthful in disclosing all their assets? Not quite sure where to look for hidden assets? If your ex is on the tech savvy side, NFTs – a new digital form of art — may be a hiding spot worth investigating. Read more
Hiding Assets in Divorce: Red Flags, Searches and Penalties
Do you suspect your spouse of hiding income or assets? Or, on the flip side, do you feel tempted to hide income or assets because you believe that you will not be treated fairly in divorce? Bari Weinberger recently wrote about the hot topic of hidden assets in divorce in her latest article for the New Jersey Law Journal. Here are some tips from Bari for safeguarding yourself in your divorce… Read more
Considering a Prenuptial Agreement? A Lesson From Kim and Kanye
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As Kim Kardashian and Kanye West’s divorce continues to make news, new details have emerged about the couple’s prenuptial agreement, signed a few months before their 2014 wedding. Far from being just another piece of celebrity gossip, this latest development has some teachable lessons for any couple in 2022 thinking about putting a prenup in place. Read more
What Should I NOT Do When Getting A Divorce?
When getting a divorce, the worst thing you can do is to let emotion cloud reason. The decisions you make now will reverberate for decades to come, so you must do your homework and be prepared to make choices that may not be to your heart’s desire, but are the most practical.
Feeling overwhelmed by what’s ahead? A critical first step is learning what NOT to do when you end your marriage. Read more
How Do You Lower Conflict In Divorce?
Do you feel drained by your acrimonious divorce? Are you wondering if things will ever get better? Sinking into despair will deplete your energy and make you feel more stuck than you actually are. Regardless of your ex’s behavior, you can change the dynamic by following key steps to lower conflict in your divorce. Read more
How Can You Prevent Parental Kidnapping?
While kidnapping of any kind is — thankfully — still a rare occurrence for the vast majority of separated or divorced families, if you’re concerned that your child could be at risk, there are several practical steps you can take right now to help keep your child safe. Read more
5 Costly Risks Of Representing Yourself In Divorce
You’ve decided to divorce. Now comes your next decision: Do you need to hire an attorney, or should you represent yourself?
In New Jersey, individuals involved in a divorce have the legal option to either hire an attorney or make the choice to go it alone in their matter.
Self-representation is usually tied to a desire to save on costs. In the short term, yes, representing yourself does save money up front. In the long run? Self-representation (technically called going pro se in your divorce) puts you at risk for expensive drawbacks that outweigh any initial savings.
Not sure what’s right for you and your divorce? Here are five factors to take into consideration when making the choice to hire an attorney or go pro se in your divorce. Read more
Why Do Couples Divorce After 20 Years of Marriage?
Move over, 7-year itch. Couples married for 20-plus years are now more likely to divorce than any other age group. According to a 2017 Pew Research study, the divorce rate among this demographic has doubled since the 1990s and is predicted to triple by 2030! Here are some reasons behind this growing divorce trend. Read more