Although we like to think we live in a more enlightened age, unfortunately, when it comes to intimate partner violence, also known as domestic violence, we, as a society, still have a long way to go. According to the Association of American Family Physicians, in the United States, approximately 1.5 million women and 834,700 men annually are raped and/or physically assaulted by an intimate partner. Women are more likely than men to be injured, sexually assaulted, or murdered by an intimate partner. Studies suggest that one in four women is at lifetime risk.
To remedy these tragic statistics, education is key, as is awareness of the many faces of intimate partner violence. Not all forms are intimate partner violence (IPV) are easy to recognize because IPV is not always physical violence; IPV can also be threats, intimidation or harassment, and more. Read more
#MaybeHeDoesntHitYou Brings Emotional Abuse Awareness to Social Media
In this digital age, stands are taken, victories are won (and lost) and causes are put in the spotlight through social networking vehicles such as Twitter and Facebook. On Monday, Twitter users began using the hashtag #MaybeHeDoesntHitYou to show that abusive relationships aren’t limited to physically violent ones. Domestic violence can come in many forms, including mental or emotional abuse. Read more
Want to Stop Paying Alimony Because Your Ex is Living with Someone? You Better Have Proof
What You May Not Know About Divorce In New Jersey
Thinking about divorce is an emotionally confusing time in anyone’s life. Now, you are contemplating filing for divorce and are facing weeding through the somewhat complex laws that govern divorce in the Garden State. There is a lot of misinformation out there, to be sure. Here are a few things you may not know about divorce in New Jersey: Read more
Cohabitation and Alimony in New Jersey: The Quinn Case
Divorce PTSD And How To Treat It
What You May Not Know About Prenuptial Agreements In New Jersey
Mediation, Collaborative Divorce or Litigation: What’s Right For Me?
Depending on your circumstances, there are several possible ways to resolve your differences and become divorced in New Jersey. Which path is right for you? Let’s take a look. Read more
Weinberger Divorce & Family Law Group, LLC Publishes New Guide To Alimony In New Jersey
Recognizing The Signs of Intimate Partner Violence
To remedy these tragic statistics, education is key, as is awareness of the many faces of intimate partner violence. Not all forms are intimate partner violence (IPV) are easy to recognize because IPV is not always physical violence; IPV can also be threats, intimidation or harassment, and more. Read more
Military Parenting Time: Top Tips For Reconnecting With Your Kids After Deployment