High Conflict Divorce: 5 Things Your Therapist Can Do To Help

working with therapist in high conflict divorceThe goal of traditional talk therapy is to help clients live and express themselves authentically. When divorcing a high-conflict personality (HCP), however, you need to learn how to be strategic in communicating with your spouse. A therapist who understands how to work with high-conflict divorce can give you the tools to manage your life when your ex is trying to make it unmanageable. Some of these include…  Read more

Prior History of Domestic Violence Must be Written into Restraining Order

domestic violence restraining orderTestifying in a Final Restraining Order (FRO) hearing about past incidents of domestic violence without those incidents being written into the body of the Temporary Restraining Order (TRO) is a violation of the defendant’s due process rights, according to a recent New Jersey court case. Read more

New Jersey Divorce Chronicles, Part 14: Analyzing The Outcomes

finalizing divorceOver the past year, we have followed two couples — Sharon and Robert, and Jason and Melissa — as they navigated the process of getting a divorce in New Jersey. As we saw in our previous installmentboth of our couples now have marital settlement agreements and both will soon be legally divorced. What are some of the important takeaways from their cases? In this final blog in the series, let’s a take a look. Read more

New Jersey Divorce Chronicles, Part 13: Reaching A Settlement

reaching a divorce settlement

For more than a year now we have been following two couples through the process of deciding to divorce, consulting with attorneys, and choosing whether to begin their cases in private mediation or in the court system. We focused primarily on one spouse in each couple: Sharon, who was married to Robert for 13 years, and Jason, who was married to Melissa for 11 years. Sharon decided to jump directly into litigation, while Jason opted to pursue mediation first. By the end of 2015, both couples were close to wrapping up all of their divorce issues. Let’s see how things have worked out for each of them: Read more

Fugitive From Support Obligations? New Jersey Courts Will Not Help You

Dealing with an international child custody dispute? In a recent New Jersey Appellate court decision (Matison v. Lisnyansky), a three judge panel found that a man who failed to pay his palimony and child support, and who had fled to Russia, could not use the New Jersey court system to help him appeal the palimony and custody judgment against him. Mr. Lisnyansky remained outside of the country avoiding arrest on an outstanding warrant for failure to pay his child support when he filed his appeal. Read more

Has Grandparent Visitation Just Become Easier to Achieve in New Jersey?

grandparent visitation The New Jersey Supreme Court, in the case of Major v. Maguire, may have just given grandparents looking to establish visitation with their grandchildren a greater opportunity to make their case. Read more

5 Steps to Getting the Most From Your Divorce Attorney Consultation

make the most of your divorce consultation You have made the difficult decision to explore divorcing your spouse and have researched family law attorneys in your area. Now you’re ready to set up a consultation to learn more about the divorce process and begin working with a lawyer. How do you get the most out your upcoming consultation? Here are a few tips: Read more

How To Stay Married: 8 Dos and Don’ts

saving your marriage

We understand that big marital problems like infidelity and substance abuse can spell divorce, but it’s often the little things that can make or break a marriage. Trying to repair your relationship? If both spouses want to give their union another chance, here are a list of do’s and don’ts we’ve seen time and again help couples stay together. Read more

Perilous Mistakes Men Make In Divorce

men's divorce mistakesWhen a transition is as difficult as divorce, it’s understandable that you might want to pull off the band-aid as fast as possible. But rushing the process, or making decisions fueled by emotion instead of reason, may yield devastating life-long consequences. Both genders can make mistakes during dissolution but some are more common to men. Here is a list of divorce “don’ts” – and tips on how to avoid making them. Read more

Should I Stay Or Should I Go? Top Things People Consider When Leaving A Marriage

deciding to divorceDisagreement is inevitable in a marriage, and a certain amount is healthy. But some differences truly are irreconcilable and no amount of negotiation or couples therapy will save a marriage between two fundamentally incompatible people. Wondering if you should stay or go? Here are some key issues that may help you answer this all important question. Read more