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Don't go into your divorce or family law matter defenseless
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Has Grandparent Visitation Just Become Easier to Achieve in New Jersey?
5 Steps to Getting the Most From Your Divorce Attorney Consultation
How To Stay Married: 8 Dos and Don’ts
We understand that big marital problems like infidelity and substance abuse can spell divorce, but it’s often the little things that can make or break a marriage. Trying to repair your relationship? If both spouses want to give their union another chance, here are a list of do’s and don’ts we’ve seen time and again help couples stay together. Read more
Perilous Mistakes Men Make In Divorce
Should I Stay Or Should I Go? Top Things People Consider When Leaving A Marriage
Will You Marry Me…And Can We Have A Prenup, Please?
Your Guide To Feeling In Control Of Your Divorce — And Your Life!
Why Is January Called Divorce Month?
January 1st rings in more than the New Year; it also marks the beginning of Divorce Month. What earned the first month of the year this unusual nickname? According to the American Association of Matrimonial Lawyers, the number of people filing for divorce jumps by 30% nationwide in January compared to preceding months. As for why so many couples make divorce their New Year’s resolution, here’s a look at some of the most common reasons. Read more
Decided to Divorce? Four Questions to Ask Yourself Before Moving Out of the Family Home
When spouses make the decision to separate or divorce, the next step typically involves one spouse moving out of the family home. But is this next step the right step? If you are the spouse thinking about moving out, make sure you have considered all the potential legal ramifications of leaving your home.
Should you stay or go? Here are four questions you need to be able to answer before making a move:
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Divorce And Social Media: Why What You Post Can Come Back to Haunt You
Your fondness for posting vacation photos on social media platforms may come back to haunt you during a custody battle. At least, that’s what happened to a psychiatrist in New York in 2015. After she and her husband split, she posted Facebook photos of herself enjoying the sights in Italy and Boston. Her husband claimed these pictures were evidence that her traveling schedule kept her away from home too often and that he, the primary caregiver for their 4-year-old son, should be awarded full custody. The judge ruled that the wife’s social media profile should be allowed as evidence and ordered her to release her login information.
This story demonstrates how even the benign use of social media can have potentially devastating consequences in custody proceedings. With most people having at least some social media footprint, divorce cases like this one are likely to become more frequent in family court. Here are some social media do’s and don’ts to consider when going through divorce. Read more