In a couple of recent posts, we discussed what it can be like to go through a divorce from a narcissist. In “Divorcing a Narcissist: 5 Steps to Protect Yourself” we talked about how your narcissistic soon-to-be-ex-spouse might blame you for everything and try to control every aspect of the divorce—including your post-divorce life. In “Divorcing A Narcissist: 5 Strategies For Getting Through It” we offered some tips for defusing high conflict interactions with an ex who feeds on conflict and will stop at nothing in trying to gain the upper hand.
If you’ve been reading all of this and you recognize your own ex in our descriptions, you might be feeling more than a little bit discouraged and intimidated. Perhaps you were hoping for a low conflict divorce, were considering mediation, or at least hoped to settle some of your issues out of court. If your ex is so self-centered that seeing anyone else’s side is out of the question, how can you possibly proceed?
Well, take a deep breath and a step back while we take a closer look at some of these issues: Read more
Post-Season Financial Preparedness: Who Owns the Holiday Gifts?
If you were lucky enough to receive a particularly high-value gift over the holiday season, and you are also married or soon-to-be-married, then you may want to take a moment to consider the ownership of that gift. While no one wants to think about the possibility of divorce during happy times, those happy times often present the best opportunity for planning. Financial preparedness is like insurance—if you wait to think about it until you need it, you could be too late.
So what are the rules in New Jersey regarding gifts and divorce? Read more
7 Steps To Filing For Divorce In New Jersey
You’ve made the decision to divorce, so what can you expect next? The divorce process will require you to divide all marital assets and debts, establish alimony and child support if applicable, and determine custody arrangements for your children. To get the process started, you first need to file the appropriate forms and paperwork. Here are seven important steps to take during this initial stage of divorce: Read more
Answering Older Children’s Questions About Divorce
One of the most difficult tasks of divorce is telling your children you’re splitting up. Before you sit down to give them the news, it’s important to anticipate questions they might have and be prepared for how to answer them. Read more
How To Protect Children of Divorce From Depression
New Jersey Divorce Chronicles Part 12: Will Sharon and Robert Go to Trial?
In our last installment of our ongoing divorce case study series, we saw Melissa and Jason making good progress with the division of their marital assets and debts in mediation. Meanwhile, the disappointing recommendations Sharon got from the Marital Early Settlement Panel (MESP) in Part 8 just seemed to get worse for her in Part 10. Read more
Dividing a Family Business in Divorce
6 Perilous Divorce Mistakes Women Make
Putting Narcissism & Divorce into Perspective: Negotiate with Caution
If you’ve been reading all of this and you recognize your own ex in our descriptions, you might be feeling more than a little bit discouraged and intimidated. Perhaps you were hoping for a low conflict divorce, were considering mediation, or at least hoped to settle some of your issues out of court. If your ex is so self-centered that seeing anyone else’s side is out of the question, how can you possibly proceed?
Well, take a deep breath and a step back while we take a closer look at some of these issues: Read more
International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women
A call for eradication of gender-based violence throughout the world
November 25th is International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women. While violence, including domestic violence, affects men as well as women, gender-based violence affects women disproportionately. Much violence against women, domestic and otherwise, is rooted in long-standing and pervasive social structures that gave men control over women’s bodies and lives. In the United States, where educated and aware women and men have worked for decades to promote equality and eradicate the structures that support the legacy of violence against women, we sometimes lose sight of the fact that the problem still exists in this country, and that in many countries throughout the world, it remains rampant. Read more
Top Co-Parenting Tips For A Smooth Handover At Holiday Time
Holidays can be a challenging time for divorced families especially when people crave glowing, Norman Rockwell-type gatherings. It can be upsetting having to split holiday time with your ex and knowing that the person passing the gravy to your kids is not you, but your ex’s new partner.
These experiences, combined with the cultural expectation to have a Hallmark holiday, can send divorced parents into emotional overload. So how do you keep your charged feelings from spilling over onto your kids? Especially at handover time, which can seem like traversing an emotional minefield? Here are some tips for managing holiday drop-offs with true co-parenting finesse. Read more