Custody Options & Parenting Rights for Military Dads

rights for military fathersThe unique demands of military service, and particularly the demands of long-term active duty assignments, can put tremendous strain on a servicemember’s home life. Deployments can be unpredictable and sometimes involve short notice. Families are called on to make difficult adjustments. Relationships can change or grow distant, including relationships with those who mean the most to you: your kids.

Are you a military dad facing custody issues? Learn about your father’s rights and parenting time options. Read more

Veterans, Divorce & Adjusting To Family Life After Active Service

veterans & divorceAlthough a veteran’s return from active service should be a happy time, it can also be a challenging adjustment for a family. According to a study from Brigham Young University, “combat experience is an important risk factor for divorce or separation.” The study found that combat veterans’ first marriages are 62% more likely to end in separation or divorce than those of non-veterans. The reasons behind these statistics? Read more

Lifetime Alimony for Long-term Homemakers: Does This Still Exist in New Jersey?

housewives and alimony

This week marked National Housewives Day (November 3), now sometimes referred to as National Homemakers Day, in recognition of the fact that a “homemaker” is not always a “wife.” Traditionally, of course, a housewife was the person who ran the household while the husband went off to work each day to bring home the bacon. How difficult the job of housewife was depended on a slew of variables, such as how much bacon the husband brought home, how big the house was, how much if any extra help was available, and how many children there were to attend to. For most, however, the job was very difficult indeed—more difficult in fact than many 9-5 jobs.

While the number of traditional homemakers may have decreased in recent decades (even with some househusbands joining the ranks) the job today is as challenging as ever. In honor of these hardworking homemakers, today we are going to provide an update on a couple of questions of great importance to any homemaker facing separation or divorce: Read more

Join Us on Twitter or Facebook for Family Law Friday

Weinberger Divorce & Family Law Group, LLC is excited to announce the first edition of Family Law Friday, a new Twitter Party and Facebook chat that invites anyone with an interest in divorce and family law matters in New Jersey to connect with us on Friday from 12 pm – 1 pm EST. All participants are automatically entered in a free book giveaway! Read more

Divorcing With Kids? Don’t Lose Out On Thousands In Child Support

are you owed extra child support?

Is child support at stake in your divorce? Here’s some important news you need to know. In a recent New Jersey Superior Court decision, Judge Lawrence R. Jones handed down a precedent-setting decision that establishes the retroactive date an initial child support obligation can be collected on as the date the parents filed for divorce, not the filing date of a separate motion for child support, as has been previously followed. In many divorces, the difference between these two dates can be months or even years, meaning that some parents could be due to collect — or pay — hundreds or even thousands more in support than previously thought. Read more

3 Hidden Costs of Alimony

hidden costs of alimony

If you are in the process of getting a divorce, or if you think divorce might be on the horizon for you in the near future, you might also be coming to terms with the impact this development could have on your future finances. Perhaps your spouse has a much higher income than you do, or perhaps you are a stay-at-home parent or homemaker with no current income of your own at all. Maybe you’re thinking of asking for alimony and are wondering if the payments will really make up for the household income you will lose through divorce.

Even if you’re pretty sure that your soon-to-be-ex can afford to pay you a decent amount of spousal support, there are some potential costs to consider when trying to calculate exactly how much you will need: Read more

Announcing Our Newly Expanded Hackensack Family Law Offices

Divorce and Family Law Attorneys in Hackensack

Weinberger Divorce & Family Law Group, LLC is pleased to announce the opening of our newly expanded Hackensack family law offices, conveniently located across the street from the Bergen County Court complex. You can now find our Hackensack family law attorneys at:

Court Plaza South-West Wing
21 Main Street, Suite 354
Hackensack, NJ 07601
Bergen County
Tel: (201) 642-2000 | Fax (201) 880-9720
Locate Us on Google Maps

Why the move? “Court Plaza is one of the most prestigious office buildings in Bergen County. The building’s location — directly across from the Bergen County Courthouse — is extremely convenient for our clients and our attorneys who may have court dates or other required court appearances. Our move to Court Plaza is simply the next natural step in our firm’s already well-established presence in the Bergen, Passaic, Hudson and Essex county area. We are happy to offer our divorce and family law clients this added layer of ease and accommodation,” our founder and managing partner, Bari Z. Weinberger explains.

Weinberger Divorce & Family Law Group, LLC maintains four other office locations to serve clients throughout New Jersey. Locations include Parsippany (headquarter office), Freehold, Basking Ridge and Mount Laurel.

Are you going through a divorce or family law matter? Our experienced attorneys are here to provide you with the legal guidance necessary to protect your children, secure your assets, and safeguard your future. Please contact us to schedule your initial attorney consultation.

Divorce Horror Story: What If Your Divorce Turned Out to Be Fake?

help for divorce scam victims Like many couples who decide to divorce, Carol and Larry were concerned about the time and cost that would be involved in the process. Married for 13 years with no children, both spouses had full-time jobs, separate retirement accounts, and owned a home together. The split had been mutual and both had already begun dating.

As they looked around at their divorce options, Larry found an interesting ad on Craigslist that promised a legal New Jersey divorce for the flat rate cost of $399. According to the ad, the divorce would be “facilitated” by a local paralegal and was completely legitimate and binding. The website linked to from the ad even showed photos of divorce decrees signed off by a Superior Court Judge.

Move on with their lives for the low cost of a few hundred dollars? Larry and Carol felt like the fates were smiling on them.

They couldn’t have been more wrong. Read more

Married 25 Years And Charting A New Course: Divorce In Your Senior Years

Baby Boomer Divorce

You thought you’d be looking forward to a blissful retirement with your spouse at 50. Instead, you find yourself a new member of the “Gray Divorce Club.” According to a recent study from Bowling Green University, the divorce rate among adults aged 50 and older doubled between 1990 and 2010. And as another study has shown, these Baby Boomer divorces are more often initiated by women. Read more

New Jersey Divorce Chronicles, Part 10: Bad News About Alimony & Child Support

help for divorce issues

Subject No.1: Sharon
When we last saw Sharon and Robert in Part VIII of our ongoing series, the Marital Early Settlement Panel (MESP) had just recommended an equal value distribution of the couple’s marital property and debt, with Robert keeping the family home. Meanwhile, in Part IX, we saw Jason and Melissa working out their own property division with the assistance of their mediator. Today, we’ll look at the MESP’s recommendations regarding alimony and child support in Robert and Sharon’s case. Read more