Answering Young Children’s Questions About Divorce

children's questions about divorce

Now that you’ve decided to get a divorce, it’s time to tell your kids. Keep in mind: small children are at a developmental stage when they need object constancy. They need to know that even though you aren’t with them everyday, you are still their parent, and they are going to see you on a regular basis. Although you’re faced with a conversation no parent wants to have, there are things you can do to provide reassurance and answer your child’s questions in a developmentally appropriate way. Read more

Free Domestic Violence Resources & Legal Information: Domestic Violence 101

As part of its mission to contribute to the domestic violence prevention community in New Jersey, Weinberger Divorce & Family Law Group, LLC is pleased to announce new free domestic violence resources for spousal abuse victims and their families, Domestic Violence 101: A Guide For Spousal Abuse Victims In New Jersey. Read more

Weinberger Divorce & Family Law Group, LLC Releases A Guide For Domestic Violence Victims In New Jersey

A Guide For Domestic Violence Victims In New Jersey (Weinberger Divorce & Family Law Group Library) Coinciding with October’s Domestic Violence Awareness Month, Weinberger Divorce & Family Law Group, LLC announces the publication on its newest book, A Guide For Domestic Violence Victims In New Jersey. Authored by Weinberger Divorce & Family Law Group, LLC’s founder, family law attorney Bari Z. Weinberger, Esq., the book offers victims support and legal information that can be difficult to find elsewhere. Read more

7 Things To Think About When You’re Getting Ready For Divorce

preparing for divorceMaking a to-do list is a simple, but powerful tool to help you keep your calm and feel greater clarity about your future. When you are the beginning stages of divorce, it’s often helpful to make two specific kinds of to-lists: a procedural to-do list to organize the legal aspects of your divorce, and an emotional to-do list to tend to your inner life. Items to put on these lists? Here are some things to think about when you’re getting ready for divorce. Read more

5 Steps To Take If You Are A Victim Of A Fake Divorce Scam

In the aftermath of last week’s arrest of Anastasya Varvaryuk on charges she passed off fake divorce documents to unknowing couples from her storefront in Clifton, victims of the alleged divorce scam may be recovered enough from the shock of discovering they are still married to now be wondering: what’s next? Read more

Warning: Is Your New Jersey Divorce Decree A Fraud?

shocking divorce mistakesIn northern New Jersey over the weekend, an untold number of former spouses learned some unsettling news: the marriage they thought was over may not be, thanks to fraudulent divorce papers allegedly provided by an Elmwood Park woman. Read more

Resource Guide to Domestic Violence Help in New Jersey

NJ domestic violence resources

Are you or someone you know looking for a domestic violence shelter or safe house? Want to know more about the process of obtaining a restraining order? Desperate to start building a future for you and your children that’s free from abusive and controlling behavior? New Jersey is home to a number of shelters and victim advocacy groups that provide assistance to victims of intimate partner violence and domestic abuse. You are not alone. Help is available. The following list contains individual referral contacts for shelters (arranged by county) and links to further information, including how to keep your privacy intact during this trying time. Read more

Weinberger Divorce & Family Law Group, LLC Attorney Named to State’s Attorney Ethics Committee

NJ family law attorney Jessica Sprague to state ethics committeeWeinberger Divorce & Family Law Group, LLC is pleased to announce the appointment of firm attorney Jessica Ragno Sprague, Esq. to the state’s Attorney Ethics Committee. Read more

Getting Ready To Divorce? 3 Tips To Prepare Yourself Emotionally

preparing for your attorney consultation The prospect of untangling finances in your divorce and losing time with your children is wrenching. Add in uncertainty about your home, your lifestyle, and your social circle, and you may feel completely destabilized. You know your emotions are off-kilter if you experience any of the following:

– You can’t sleep,
– You can’t eat,
– You can’t concentrate on anything other than your divorce,
– You cry excessively,
– You’re consumed with guilt over the effect on your children, or
– You dream of exacting revenge on your soon-to-be ex.

Being in a state of turmoil when contemplating or deciding on getting divorced is common, and frankly, understandable. At the same time, when you go to your initial meeting with your divorce attorney, you will need to ask and answer questions about your finances, strategies, possible outcomes, and what you must do to protect yourself and your children. Beginning the legal process of divorce in as calm a state of mind as possible is important. How do you get there? Here are three ways to emotionally prepare for your initial divorce consultation. Read more

5 Things To Say (Or Not To Say) When You Tell Your Kids About Your Divorce

Talking to Children about Divorce

There’s no easy way to tell your kids that life, as they know it, is about to change forever. But there are some ways to make the experience as gentle as possible. How can help your children feel secure and loved during this transition? Here are five things to say, or not say, when you explain to your kids that you’re divorcing. Read more