We have been tracking the progress through the New Jersey legislature of Senate bill 1046, which, if passed into law, would cause a major change in termination procedures for New Jersey child support payments. This bill would result in child support payments ending automatically if or when a child marries, dies, enters military service, or reaches the age of 19, unless the child is currently in an out-of-home placement through DCP&P, or unless a court order specifies another date. On July 23, 2015, the Senate passed this bill by a vote of 31-2. The measure now moves to the Assembly.
While we must caution parents that S-1046 is not yet the law, we also wish to help our clients with current or anticipated child support orders understand exactly how the bill would change the current law, and what it might mean for their own situations. Some of the questions we have heard include the following: Read more
NJ Senate Passes Bill to End Child Support Payments at Age 19: How Will This Change Your Order?
While we must caution parents that S-1046 is not yet the law, we also wish to help our clients with current or anticipated child support orders understand exactly how the bill would change the current law, and what it might mean for their own situations. Some of the questions we have heard include the following: Read more
Court Rules Pocket Dialed Phone Calls May Be Fair Game For Divorce Evidence
New Jersey Divorce Chronicles, Part 8: Who Gets the House?
Subject No. 1: Sharon
In Part 6 of our ongoing case study, we saw that after Sharon took a hardline stance on child custody, Robert ended up with a temporary order for primary physical custody. In Part 7, we saw how Jason’s more conciliatory approach with Melissa not only resulted in a parenting time plan that was closer to what he wanted; it also avoided the expense of a hearing. Is Sharon going to continue her aggressive tactics for the rest of her case, or is she beginning to see that a change in approach might be in order? Read more
NJ Supreme Court Case Addresses Questions About Alimony Awards for Stay-At-Home Spouses: Gnall v. Gnall, Part II
On July 29, 2015, the New Jersey Supreme Court decided the case of Gnall v. Gnall, an alimony case we first blogged about in November of 2014, following oral arguments. This case was decided under the New Jersey alimony statute as it existed prior to the recent reforms. The Appellate Division reversed a trial court’s award of durational alimony to plaintiff Elizabeth Gnall and sent the case back for consideration of a permanent alimony award. Defendant James Gnall appealed to the Supreme Court, which reversed the Appellate Division’s judgment and instructed the trial court to instead make new findings of fact and re-determine the appropriate alimony award based on those new findings.
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Expert Q&A: Marital Reconciliation After An Affair
Does attempting marital reconciliation make sense for you and your spouse? We asked Dr. Salvatore Benanti, therapist and founder of the The Center For Optimum Living in Kinnelon, NJ, for his expert take on what couples can expect from the reconciliation process. Read more
Free Range Parenting v. Helicopter Parenting: What is the Law in New Jersey?
Weinberger Divorce & Family Law Group, LLC Answers Your Divorce & Family Law Questions
As a trusted authority on divorce and family law matters in New Jersey, we are frequently contacted via our social media channels and through our Ask A Family Law Question section of our website with questions concerning divorce, alimony, child custody matters, and more. It was great to connect live online with a number of people who were reaching out for help. Some of the questions answered last night included: Read more
Spouse Cheated? 5 Tips For Overcoming Adultery
Does The End Of School = The End of Child Support? Not So Fast…
Your child has just graduated from high school, or maybe he or she has her 18th birthday coming up. Whatever milestone is within sight, if you are a parent who has paid child support over these last few years, you may be wondering: am I still obligated to provide support once my child is an adult? Read more
5 Rules for Successful Co-Parenting After Divorce
Co-parenting is often considered the gold standard for parenting after divorce, but what does this term even mean? Read more