When Faith & Religion Impact Divorce: The Jewish Divorce “Get”

Torah and Yad

Faith and religion can play a major role in divorce, whether it is how someone’s faith shapes their views on marriage and divorce, or the specific rules about marriage and divorced a couple’s religion prescribes.

The complex interplay of faith and religion on divorce is perhaps no more readily visible than among followers Orthodox Judaism. Read more

NJ Court News: New Role for Family Court Judge Bonnie Mizdol

Judges wooden gavel in court

New Jersey Chief Justice Stuart Rabner made the announcement this week that Superior Court Judge Bonnie J. Mizdol will lead the Bergen Vicinage as Assignment Judge beginning May 1. Mizdol has served as the Presiding Judge of the Family Division of state Superior Court in Hackensack for the past seven years. Read more

Got An STD From Your Ex? That’s Marital Tort

iStock_000018458248MediumIt almost goes without saying that the events and circumstances that lead a couple to divorce are typically not very pleasant ones. Your spouse may have cheated on you. The two of you may have endured tense disagreements over marital finances, or fights about how to raise your children.

In some situations, however, the wounds suffered during the process of marital breakdown go far beyond normal feelings of betrayal and  enter the legal territory of a court claim called a marital tort. Read more

Getting Divorced When You Have a Special Needs Child

iStock_000026294630XSmallWhen married couples with kids decide to divorce, child-related issues related to child custody, parenting time, and child support take center stage. New Jersey family law makes it clear that decisions made during divorce regarding children must put the “best interests of the child” first. Determining any child’s best interests can be a challenge. But when a couple’s divorce involves a child with a chronic illness, autism, physical or learning disability, or other special needs? Suddenly, determining “best interests” can easily become complicated.

If you are getting divorced and wondering how your child’s special needs will be addressed in custody and support determinations, here are three key pieces of information you don’t want to be without. Read more

New Jersey Divorce Chronicles, Part 5: Handle Emotions with Care

In part 2 and part 3 of our continuing blog series on avoiding common divorce mistakes, we looked at two different approaches to hiring a divorce attorney. In part 4, we took a look at the aggressive initial approach taken by one of subjects, Sharon. In part 1 of our series, we introduced you to our two New Jersey couples: Robert & Sharon and Jason & Melissa. In this installment, we’ll see how our second subject, Jason, takes a softer approach to commencing his case, and how that impacts initial developments. Read more

3 Pitfalls To Avoid When Dividing Marital Assets in Divorce


You and your soon-to-be former spouse have laid your marital assets on the table and now it’s time to divvy up who gets what in your divorce. During this part of the divorce process — negotiating distribution of joint assets — be aware that any missteps you make can turn what could have been a fair settlement into one that puts you at financial risk. With the stakes this high, what traps should you be on the lookout for? Here’s how to avoid three common asset division mistakes. Read more

3 Secret Tax Deductions You Can Claim After Divorce


One silver lining of divorce? You may own Uncle Sam a little less when filing this year’s federal income taxes. Before April’s tax deadline, make sure to double-check your calculations to avoid missing out on these three often overlooked divorce-related deductions. Read more

Child Custody: Don’t Take My Kids

iStock_000016682576XSmallWe recently blogged about the case of Paul Eksteen, a New Jersey father fighting for the return of his 11-year-old son from Paraguay. Eksteen’s son left the U.S. with his mother in late 2013, despite a court order demanding the mother relinquish the son’s passport. Eksteen recently filed international kidnapping charges against his ex-wife and is attempting to have his son returned to New Jersey to settle the child custody dispute.

Cases such as Paul Eksteen’s highlight the dire consequences and legal charges that can result when serious child custody disputes go unresolved. If you believe your former spouse has plans to flee the state or country with your child, or if other problems have cropped up with your parenting arrangement, including tense relations, failure to comply with the existing order, or even parental alienation, you may be wondering how you can safeguard yourself and your children from possible worst case scenarios, including parental abduction.

What can you do to keep your kids safe? Here are five actions to consider: Read more

Weinberger Divorce & Family Law Group, LLC Family Law Attorneys Named To New Jersey Super Lawyers List

WLG Super Lawyers

We are pleased to announce that ten of our Weinberger Divorce & Family Law Group, LLC family law attorneys have been included in the 2015 list of New Jersey Super Lawyers and Super Lawyer Rising Stars. They are… Read more

Trying to Modify Your Child Custody Plan? Here Are 3 Steps To Take Right Now

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Is your current parenting time or child visitation plan just not working out? If you are considering seeking modification to an existing New Jersey child custody order, it will be important for you to provide evidence as to why a change to your custody order is in the best interests of your child.

What kind of evidence can shed light on why a new custody arrangement or visitation schedule is needed? Here are three key pieces of evidence to have on hand. Read more