Get Answers to Your NJ Divorce & Family Law Questions

10922563_10152519607281175_951460366111270209_nOn our Facebook page, we asked people to share questions they have about divorce and other family law-related matters. We received questions about everything from how to file for divorce in New Jersey to how to change the terms of a divorce settlement. Some of the highlights from our Q&A can be found below. Do you have a question concerning divorce, child custody, child support, alimony, asset division, or other related matters? Please note that we are now taking questions on our website! Submit your question via our web form and an answer from us will shortly be heading your way. It is free and easy to use and completely confidential. Read more

Weinberger Divorce & Family Law Group, LLC Opens South Jersey Family Law Office

Open sign

We are pleased to announce the opening of a new Weinberger Divorce & Family Law Group, LLC law office in Mount Laurel, effective Monday, January 5. Our new location was specifically chosen to be convenient for those who live or work throughout South Jersey and beyond — something many of you have requested! Read more

New Jersey Family Law 2014 Year in Review

year 2014 in review

It’s been a busy year in divorce and family law. From groundbreaking local court cases that grabbed international media attention to important changes in New Jersey family law and Weinberger Divorce & Family Law Group, LLC’s own noteworthy accomplishments, 2014 has been one for the record books. Check out our timeline of this year’s best moments — and a few controversial ones, too! Read more

Divorce: Fail to Plan, Plan to Fail

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If you will be filing for divorce in the new year, it’s time to start actively planning how you want your divorce to unfold and the shape you want your life to take post-divorce. Practically speaking, it is to your advantage to get organized and set goals and priorities as early on in the divorce process as possible. As the saying goes, “fail to plan, plan to fail.”

So what exactly should your divorce plans entail? Here are 7 key areas to give careful consideration. Read more

Weinberger Divorce & Family Law Group, LLC Holiday Office Closings 2014

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4 Tips For Filing Your Taxes When You’re Getting Divorced

Tax form, operating budget and stopwatch

Tax season is almost upon us, and if you’re separated or in the process of getting divorced, you may be concerned about how your relationship change will affect filing your income taxes. Do you still file as a married couple if you split up in 2014? Will selling your house this year as part of your divorce drive up how much you owe Uncle Sam next year? What about alimony payments? Here are four tips for dealing with common divorce-related tax issues. Read more

5 Things NOT to Do When Filing For Divorce

dos and donts on blackboardIf you are considering divorce, you have probably made yourself a lengthy list of all the many “DOs” the divorce process will require of you. But what about the “DONTs” of divorce? Here’s a look at our top five things you either shouldn’t worry about as you file for divorce — or should downright avoid. It might be a good idea to keep a separate list for these: Read more

New Jersey Divorce Chronicles, Part 2: Watch Out For Sharks!


In part 2 of our continuing blog series on avoiding common divorce mistakes, we take look at something most people do early on in the divorce process: hire an attorney. In part 1 of our series, we introduced you to our two New Jersey couples: Robert & Sharon and Jason & Melissa. In part 2, we will see what happens when one of our subjects tries to make a decision about hiring an attorneyRead more

Facing Both Bankruptcy & Divorce? Here’s Which One To File For First


New Jersey couple Rhona and Matthew experienced some very rocky years leading up to their decision to divorce. The problems began in 2011, when Matthew lost his job and Rhona, who had been staying home with kids, could only find part-time work. With no savings, the couple lived off their credit cards, racking up over $150,000 in debt by the time Matt found employment in 2013. Even with Matt making money again, dealing with all their debt felt like an oppressive and impossible-to-complete task. After careful thought, in 2014, Matt and Rhona decided to file for bankruptcy. At the same time, mainly due to the toll money stress had taken on their relationship over the past few years, Matthew and Rhona also decided to file for divorce.

Does any of this sound familiar? Read more

Highlights from December’s Family Law Tuesday Q&A

question answer iconOn the first Tuesday of every month, Weinberger Divorce & Family Law Group, LLC holds a live Facebook chat to find out what’s on your mind when it comes to divorce, child support and related family law issues and answer the questions you most want to know about. Our next Family Law Tuesday will be held January 6 from 8-9 pm. We hope you join us! You can send us your question via private message to our WLG Facebook page anytime before then, or ask during the evening itself — we’ll be on hand to answer.

What kinds of questions do people ask? Check out some of the highlight’s from this week’s event: Read more