Keep Your Divorce Offline: Social Media Postnups and Prenups

_1__FacebookPrenuptial agreements can pre-decide matters such as who keeps the house in the event of a divorce, but did you also know that prenuptial agreements can spell out the somewhat stickier issue of what you and your spouse can say about each other on Facebook, Twitter and other social media sites? Read more

5 Silver Linings of Divorce

It’s hoped that every marriage can be mended and saved, but the truth is divorce happens, and almost always for some very serious reasons.

Think the end of a marriage is all downside? This doesn’t have to be true! If your relationship is best labeled as “irretrievably broken,” here are five silver linings you can look forward to now that you have made the decision to divorce. Read more

New Jersey Court Ruling May Change College Tuition Obligation Rules for Divorced Parents


When the relationship between a divorced parent and their child is a rocky one, is that parent obligated to pay college tuition? This is the question at the center of a precedent-setting court decision issued Friday by Ocean County Superior Court Judge Lawrence Jones. Read more

New Jersey Collaborative Divorce Bill Approved by Senate Committee

A bill passed by the New Jersey Senate Budget and Appropriations Committee last week has pushed the state one step closer to putting in place more precise rules outlining “collaborative divorce,” a method of divorce in which couples settle their matters out of court via a comparatively less expensive and less time-consuming process than traditional “divorce court” litigation Read more

Survey: Post-Recession Couples More Likely To Be Honest About Money, Finances


If there is a silver lining to the Great Recession of 2008, it may be that couples today are more open and aware when it comes to discussing money and financial matters, even before they are married, says a new survey from Experian, one of the country’s leading credit reporting agencies. Read more

New Jersey Passes Historic Adoption Law


History was made yesterday in New Jersey when Governor Chris Christie signed into law a new provision allowing adoptees access to their birth records. When the law is enacted in 2017, it will mark the first time New Jersey will unseal adoption records since they were closed in 1940. Read more

WLG’s Raquel Vallejo Appears on CNN en Español

111102125227-cnnee-logo-story-topWeinberger Divorce & Family Law Group, LLC’s Raquel Vallejo appeared live on CNN en Español earlier this month, serving as a legal expert on the show, Realidades en Contexto con Mercedes Soler. Read more

Bari Weinberger Included in List of New Jersey “Super Lawyers”

229899_10150843013051175_1126547548_nBari Weinberger, founder and managing partner of Weinberger Divorce & Family Law Group, LLC, has been included in Super Lawyers’ list of New Jersey family law attorneys. Read more

Pennsylvania Follows New Jersey’s Lead In Legalizing Same Sex Marriage

Gay Couple Holding HandsDoes this sound familiar? Earlier this week, a federal judge in Pennsylvania struck down the state’s ban on same-sex marriage, paving the way for gay and lesbian couples to marry in-state, and for out-of-state same-sex marriages to finally be recognized. The ruling echoes a similar court decision made last October in New Jersey legalizing same-sex marriage. Read more

5 Things You May Not Think to Share with Your Divorce Attorney

iStock_000000461839SmallBy the time a couple decides to pursue a separation or divorce, one or both of the spouses may be feeling betrayed and more than a little hurt. While these types of feelings can be normal, sometimes transgressions between spouses go far beyond hurt feelings and result in damaging actions called marital torts.

Examples of “torts” (or “wrongs” in legal terms) include assault, infliction of mental anguish, passing on a sexually transmitted diseases, and other harmful actions. In New Jersey, where marital torts are also known as “Tevis Claims,” these types of wrongdoing can be the basis of a legal claim. If proven, martial torts result in a financial settlement. A marital tort claim is typically filed at the same time a couple divorces.

While inter-spousal claims have grown in number over the past few decades, “marital tort” still isn’t a household name and many may not know that compensation from damaging actions can be sought. Others may feel embarrassed or ashamed to mention certain torts, especially STDs or domestic violence, due to perceived stigma.

What should you share with your divorce attorney? Here are five common grounds for marital tort. If you have experienced one or more of these in your marriage, it’s valuable information to share with your attorney: Read more