Bari Weinberger Included in List of New Jersey “Super Lawyers”

229899_10150843013051175_1126547548_nBari Weinberger, founder and managing partner of Weinberger Divorce & Family Law Group, LLC, has been included in Super Lawyers’ list of New Jersey family law attorneys. Read more

Pennsylvania Follows New Jersey’s Lead In Legalizing Same Sex Marriage

Gay Couple Holding HandsDoes this sound familiar? Earlier this week, a federal judge in Pennsylvania struck down the state’s ban on same-sex marriage, paving the way for gay and lesbian couples to marry in-state, and for out-of-state same-sex marriages to finally be recognized. The ruling echoes a similar court decision made last October in New Jersey legalizing same-sex marriage. Read more

5 Things You May Not Think to Share with Your Divorce Attorney

iStock_000000461839SmallBy the time a couple decides to pursue a separation or divorce, one or both of the spouses may be feeling betrayed and more than a little hurt. While these types of feelings can be normal, sometimes transgressions between spouses go far beyond hurt feelings and result in damaging actions called marital torts.

Examples of “torts” (or “wrongs” in legal terms) include assault, infliction of mental anguish, passing on a sexually transmitted diseases, and other harmful actions. In New Jersey, where marital torts are also known as “Tevis Claims,” these types of wrongdoing can be the basis of a legal claim. If proven, martial torts result in a financial settlement. A marital tort claim is typically filed at the same time a couple divorces.

While inter-spousal claims have grown in number over the past few decades, “marital tort” still isn’t a household name and many may not know that compensation from damaging actions can be sought. Others may feel embarrassed or ashamed to mention certain torts, especially STDs or domestic violence, due to perceived stigma.

What should you share with your divorce attorney? Here are five common grounds for marital tort. If you have experienced one or more of these in your marriage, it’s valuable information to share with your attorney: Read more

Finding Hidden Assets in Divorce: Your Questions Answered!

iStock_000005932026SmallConcerned that your spouse may be hiding assets during your divorce? If you are a spouse who was not privy to certain aspects of your joint finances during marriage, or you find that your spouse has displayed certain red flag behaviors, questions about whether that spouse may be misappropriating or hiding money or other assets may be a concern.

Here are some answers to some of the most commonly asked questions we hear: Read more

If Shelly and Donald Sterling Divorce, Who Gets the Clippers?

Basketball on the HardwoodShelly Sterling, wife of disgraced LA Clippers owner Donald Sterling, is reportedly on the brink of filing for divorce from her husband of 60 years. She has signed divorce papers, sources say, but has not yet actually filed them — in part because those divorce papers could now become the key piece of leverage in the Sterlings’ fight against the NBA and bid to retain ownership of the Clippers. At issue? The Sterling Family Trust, which is the technical owner of the team. Read more

New Jersey State Senate Passes Adoption Records Access Bill

adoptionOn Monday, May 12, the New Jersey Senate approved a groundbreaking measure that would give people adopted in the state access to their original birth certificates. The move is the result of a decades-long push by a group of advocates for adoptees and their biological parents to open New Jersey adoption records for the first time since they were sealed in 1940. Read more

What Happens When One Spouses Refuses to Take Part in the Divorce?

SignatureKhloé Kardashian filed for divorce from Lamar Odom in December 2013, with reports at the time claiming the couple’s divorce would be quick and easy thanks for a far-reaching prenuptial agreement the two are said to have in place.
It’s now May 2014 and according to some sources, Odom is refusing to participate in the divorce process by allegedly failing to file a response to papers. Read more

Why Can’t New Jersey Prenuptial Agreements Address Child Support/Custody?

Children having picnicToday’s blog post is part of our special series on prenuptial agreements and marriage running throughout the month of May. Please see previous posts in the series: 8 Common Items in Prenuptial Agreements and Are You Ready for the Legal Changes Marriage Brings? Check back soon for more!

On the first Tuesday of the month, we host a special Facebook Family Law chat inviting our WLG Facebook community members to ask their questions concerning divorce and related family law issues. During this month’s chat, we received a great question pertaining to prenuptial agreements and whether or not prenups in New Jersey can include language regarding child support and child custody for any children the soon-to-be spouses may have together. Read more

You Are Invited! WLG Announces “Family Law Tuesday” Facebook Q&A


Have a question about divorce, child custody, child support, alimony, marital assets, prenuptial agreements, or any other family law-related matter? On the first Tuesday of each month, Weinberger Divorce & Family Law Group, LLC invites you to attend Family Law Tuesday, a live Q&A session hosted on our WLG Facebook page. Read more

Weinberger Divorce & Family Law Group, LLC Recognized Among New Jersey’s Best Places To Work!


We are humbled and honored to announce that Weinberger Divorce & Family Law Group, LLC has been named one of the Best 100 Places to Work in New Jersey, as part of NJ BIZ’s prestigious annual survey. Read more