Tag Archive for: divorce & taxes

Blog Series: Your Checklist For Filing Your Taxes After Divorce

Tax implications

Ending a marriage is difficult enough. But if you’re recently separated or divorced, you have the added burden of figuring out a new and potentially more complicated tax situation. How will your divorce affect how you file your income taxes…and what’s the impact on what you will owe or receive back from the IRS? Our 3-part series, “Filing Your Taxes After Divorce,” delivers the answers you need to understand and feel more confident about possible tax changes coming your way. Read more

Filing Tax Returns After Separation or Divorce, Part 1

filing taxes after divorce

If you are newly separated or divorced, filing a federal tax return can present a host of new and confusing options and scenarios. In honor of the approaching April 15th tax filing deadline, this month we will be sharing some of this valuable information with you in a three-part series discussing tax issues and divorce. Read more

3 Hidden Costs of Alimony

hidden costs of alimony

If you are in the process of getting a divorce, or if you think divorce might be on the horizon for you in the near future, you might also be coming to terms with the impact this development could have on your future finances. Perhaps your spouse has a much higher income than you do, or perhaps you are a stay-at-home parent or homemaker with no current income of your own at all. Maybe you’re thinking of asking for alimony and are wondering if the payments will really make up for the household income you will lose through divorce.

Even if you’re pretty sure that your soon-to-be-ex can afford to pay you a decent amount of spousal support, there are some potential costs to consider when trying to calculate exactly how much you will need: Read more

3 Secret Tax Deductions You Can Claim After Divorce


One silver lining of divorce? You may own Uncle Sam a little less when filing this year’s federal income taxes. Before April’s tax deadline, make sure to double-check your calculations to avoid missing out on these three often overlooked divorce-related deductions. Read more

4 Tips For Filing Your Taxes When You’re Getting Divorced

Tax form, operating budget and stopwatch

Tax season is almost upon us, and if you’re separated or in the process of getting divorced, you may be concerned about how your relationship change will affect filing your income taxes. Do you still file as a married couple if you split up in 2014? Will selling your house this year as part of your divorce drive up how much you owe Uncle Sam next year? What about alimony payments? Here are four tips for dealing with common divorce-related tax issues. Read more

Will the Government Shutdown Affect Your Divorce?

2018 update! On Friday, December 21, 2018, the U.S. federal government partially shutdown due to conflicting views on government funding. With no end in sight, and the holidays upon us, what could a prolonged government shutdown mean for your divorce? For a preview, let’s take a look at what happened during the last major shutdown in 2013…

Since the federal government shut down at midnight Tuesday, over 800,000 federal employees across dozens of agencies have been furloughed and many service-providing governmental departments and agencies across the country are now closed or running on limited staff. How can the government shutdown affect divorce proceedings and other related issues, including child support and alimony payments? Here are four key concerns: Read more

Divorce & Taxes: Who Can Claim Children As Dependents?

If this year marks the first time you are filing your taxes as a divorced parent, you may have questions about how issues such as child custody arrangements affect your ability to claim your children as dependents. Can you claim the kids even you don’t have primary custody? What about if you and your former spouse split custody 182 days each during the year — who gets to “write off” your child when the year is shared equally? Read more

How Will New Tax Rules Affect Your Divorce?

To prevent the U.S. economy from toppling over a “fiscal cliff” that would likely result in surging tax rates and significantly curtailed government spending, Congress approved the American Taxpayer Relief Act on January 1, 2013, following intense debate. President Obama signed ATRA into law on January 2, 2013.

What does ATRA mean for your taxes — especially since you are going through divorce? Read more