Family lawyers, having lost the battle to block a new law restricting judicial interpretations of prenuptial agreements, are girding for its impact. The law, signed June 28 by Gov. Chris Christie, mandates that judges evaluate the agreements as of the date of their signing, not the date of enforcement — effectively removing consideration of changed circumstances.
On June 28, 2013, Governor Christie signed into law key rule changes concerning the enforceability of prenuptial or pre-civil union agreements in New Jersey. Weinberger Divorce & Family Law Group, LLC attorney Carmela Novi wrote a guest blog explaining these prenuptial agreement rule changes when they were first proposed in the New Jersey Assembly last year (See New Jersey Bill Questions Conscionability in Prenuptial Agreements). However, now that they are official, how do changes to pre-nups affect those seeking pre-martial agreements, or attempting to enforce or dispute one already in place? Read more