Tag Archive for: new jersey divorce

Simon Cowell Scandal: Why Cite Adultery as a Grounds for Divorce?

Simon Cowell found himself in the legal spotlight last week when news broke that the TV and music mogul has been named as a co-respondent in the New York divorce proceedings of real estate developer Andrew Silverman and his wife, Lauren Silverman. What’s the latest? Read more

New Laws Governing New Jersey Prenuptial Agreements

Prenuptial Agreements

Family lawyers, having lost the battle to block a new law restricting judicial interpretations of prenuptial agreements, are girding for its impact. The law, signed June 28 by Gov. Chris Christie, mandates that judges evaluate the agreements as of the date of their signing, not the date of enforcement — effectively removing consideration of changed circumstances.

On June 28, 2013, Governor Christie signed into law key rule changes concerning the enforceability of prenuptial or pre-civil union agreements in New Jersey. Weinberger Divorce & Family Law Group, LLC attorney Carmela Novi wrote a guest blog explaining these prenuptial agreement rule changes when they were first proposed in the New Jersey Assembly last year (See New Jersey Bill Questions Conscionability in Prenuptial Agreements). However, now that they are official, how do changes to pre-nups affect those seeking pre-martial agreements, or attempting to enforce or dispute one already in place? Read more

Five Common Questions About Military Divorce

When a military marriage dissolves, couples tend to have very different questions and concerns about the divorce process than those shared by most civilian couples. Are you in the military, or a military spouse, going through a divorce or separation? Every couple’s situation is unique, but here is a look at four commonly asked questions about military divorce. Read more

Bethenny Frankel Divorce: Who Prevails When Both Parents Want Custody?

The latest development in the contentious divorce between reality diva Bethenny Frankel and estranged husband Jason Hoppy is shaping up to be a nasty child custody fight over the couple’s 2-year old daughter Bryn. At issue is the claim on the part of both parents for sole custody of the little girl.

As the NY Post and sources report, “Jason has . . . requested sole custody of Bryn, just as Bethenny did when she initially filed. Jason doesn’t want to cut Bethenny out of his daughter’s life, and he recognizes that Bryn needs her mommy. Jason is agreeable to joint custody of Bryn, but Bethenny is absolutely balking. She wants sole custody of Bryn, period. No compromises. It makes no sense because Jason is a very active father and plans to be a huge part of his daughter’s life.” Read more

How To Sell Your Home in a Divorce

Sell Your Home in a Divorce
When you divorce, your family home may be your most valuable marital asset — as well as your biggest shared liability if you’re still carrying a mortgage. What happens to the house in a divorce? Read more

How Too Much Tweeting Can Lead To Divorce

Here’s a new twist on the role social media plays in why some couples divorce. According to a new study from Oxford University, couples who communicate excessively using Facebook, Twitter, and email rate themselves as having less than satisfying relationships. Read more

What Happens to Your Inheritance in a Divorce?

Anthony’s mother passed away in 2005, and his father in 2007. As an only child, Anthony’s parents willed their estate to him upon their deaths. Though he had known this day would eventually come, when Anthony received his parents’ house (and its contents) and their remaining cash savings, he wasn’t quite sure what to do with them. Read more

Asking Your Spouse To Consider Divorce Mediation

You’ve done your homework and decided that pursuing private divorce mediation is in your best interest for settling your divorce matter as quickly and painlessly as possible. But will your spouse see mediation in the same light? Here are some tips for how to introduce your spouse to the concept and benefits of mediation, and why it may be worth the two of you giving it a try. Read more

You Filed for Divorce — Now What?

Did you know January is called “Divorce Month” due to an annual uptick in divorce filings at the start of the new year? Filing this month can have its advantages. As we’ve blogged about before (Will Your New Year’s Resolutions Include Divorce?) and as this recent article on divorce points out, filing for divorce now avoids the stress of the holiday season, can make financial record keeping easier, and may be beneficial for tax purposes.

If you are planning to go ahead and file this month, or you just submitted all required documents and paperwork, you may be wondering — what’s next? Read more

Paying Alimony After a Spouse Remarries

When you are required to pay alimony, a former spouse taking on a new husband or wife usually means an end to support payments. But that’s not the case for one New Jersey couple who wound up in court after the spouse receiving alimony (in this case, the ex-husband) claimed he is still owed spousal support, despite his remarriage. A judge agreed with him, and now his ex-wife has lost three motions trying to prove otherwise. Read more