Father’s Rights, Grandparent’s Rights & Parental Rights
Are you a father deeply concerned that your rights are not being honored? Have you been cut off from your grandchildren due to divorce or other circumstances and want to know if the courts can help you reestablish contact? Or are you trying to establish paternity, and wondering what happens to support payments if you are not the father?
No matter what situation you face, the first step to resolving any parental rights (or grandparents’) issues is to be honest and candid when considering the child’s best interests and needs.
Then, consider the specific role you want to serve in this child’s life, taking into account your rights as outlined under New Jersey family law.
Father’s Rights in Divorce:
In New Jersey, both parents are presumed to have equal rights to their children. If you believe that you have not been afforded the same rights in family court simply because you are a man, rest assured that there are a number of remedies available to protect your rights. Learn about father’s rights.
Grandparents Rights in Divorce:
Grandparents can make requests for visitation, but must establish that visitation is necessary “to avoid harm to the child”. Learn about various conditions that warrant visitation (grandparents must meet at least one), and find out about the court procedure grandparents and parents follow to create a workable visitation schedule.
Paternity Issues:
What is the process to determine paternity? Is a DNA test necessary? Do you need to pay child support? When we work with clients trying to establish or verify paternity, we provide discrete assistance when navigating these delicate questions and all other legal issues related to establishing a biological father.
Take the first step towards securing your rights. For answers to your questions and more information about paternity, fathers’ rights, and grandparents’ rights, please contact us for an initial attorney consultation. Call (888) 888-0919.