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What if your ex doesn’t want to vaccinate the kids?
For many divorced parents, vaccinations are simply part of their children’s pediatric care — it’s a non-issue. But when one co-parent objects to vaccinations due to religious beliefs or vaccine safety concerns, childhood immunizations can be a heated source of conflict in divorce and beyond.
If one parent doesn’t want to vaccinate the kids, what kind of say does the other parent have? Read more
Top 3 Signs You Could Be a Victim of Parental Alienation
5 Mistakes Narcissists Make In Divorce – And How To Use These To Your Advantage
If you’re divorcing a narcissist, you probably feel like no match for their aggressive behavior. But here’s something you need to know: the qualities that make narcissists so intimidating – grandiosity, rule-breaking, bullying – are often the same traits that are the source of the narcissist’s undoing in divorce. Narcissists are prone to making mistakes through their high conflict ways, and you can use these mistakes to your advantage Here’s how…
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Who gets the lottery winnings in the divorce?
Image copyright OneLineStock,
In Detroit, Michigan, a man who won more than $30 million in a lottery windfall was ordered to split his jackpot with his ex-wife. The reason why? As it turns out, timing is everything when it comes to what happens to lottery winnings in divorce. Read more
4 Strategies For Dealing With a Narcissist Co-Parent
If you are divorcing a narcissist, you may find that conventional co-parenting advice doesn’t seem to apply to you. You’re bombarded with hostile emails and texts 24/7. Conversations that should be straightforward turn into World War III. Whenever the kids have a problem, your narcissist ex tells you it’s your fault. With things as hard as they are now, you can’t imagine how you’re going to survive the years until your children are adults. There is no doubt about it, dealing with a narcissist co-parent is exasperating. But rest assured, there are strategies to help you cope: Read more
Are Vaccine Choice Rights At Risk In New Jersey?
Have you decided not to vaccinate your child? A new New Jersey appellate court ruling could affect parental rights to say no to routine immunizations.
Here’s what you need to know… Read more
Recovering From Parental Alienation Through Reunification Therapy
Parental alienation almost made you lose your kids, but you managed to pull things back from the edge of the abyss with the help of the courts. You’re relieved and you feel vindicated. You’re ready to start recovering from parental alienation. So how do you begin?
If you were the Targeted Parent who went to court and won enforced parenting time with your child, now comes the difficult process of repairing your fractured relationship. Increasingly, more courts are recognizing parental alienation as a legitimate claim and order reunification therapy to address the damage. If reunification therapy is part of your order, here’s what you can expect: Read more
5 Ways To Spot Narcissist Manipulation in Divorce
If you’re divorcing a narcissist, be prepared for a bumpy ride. Narcissist manipulation in divorce is common, but it’s also easy to spot if you know the signs to watch for. Being able to predict your narcissist spouse’s strategies will help you stay sane during a crazy time — and help keep your divorce from exploding into a high conflict battle.
Here are 5 key ways narcissists manipulate the divorce process. Read more
Attorney Jessica Ragno Sprague Sworn In As Passaic Bar Association President
We are delighted to announce that Jessica Ragno Sprague was recently installed as incoming President of the Passaic County Bar Association. Jessica’s term as Passaic Bar Association President begins on July 1, 2019. Read more
5 Ways To Safeguard Yourself After Divorcing a Narcissist
Your divorce from your narcissist is over, and now it’s time for repair and self care.
The narcissist’s abuse – some combination of emotional, physical and financial – caused you to question your reality, have difficulty setting boundaries (for fear of repercussion), and tolerate mistreatment. It’s time to recover your sense of self. If you have to co-parent, you will need to find ways to psychologically disengage from your ex. But even if you didn’t have children together, and are fortunate to never see your former spouse again, you still may struggle with the residual effects of narcissist abuse.
Here are five ways to heal and protect yourself after divorcing a narcissist. Read more